NOTICE: You can now keep up with Fala at FDR's Fala.
FDR's Fala,
World's Most Famous Dog

(FDR Library photo, 1945)
Farewell to a Friend
April 15, 1945: "The president's seventy-eight-year-old pastor, Reverend George Anthony, recited the
familiar lines: 'We commit his body to the ground. earth to earth, dust to dust.'
The West Point cadets raised their rifles and fired three volleys. After each volley,
(Eleanor's friend Trude Lash) noted, Fala barked, a child whimpered, and then it was over."
--From "No Ordinary Time" by Doris Kearns Goodwin
"Franklin Roosevelt's shaggy black Scottie and near
constant companion rode his master's funeral train from Warm Springs to
Washington...Five-year-old Fala attended the Hyde Park burial services with
his former mistress, the President's cousin Margaret Suckley...cowered and
whimpered at the gun salute [and] rolled over on the grass (the President's
favorite Fala trick) during the hymn. In spite of barking furiously at the
parting volleys, he was led away quietly at the end--still the best-behaved
of Roosevelt pets (predecessors nipped ex-Senator Hattie Caraway and wolfed
down a dozen plates of ham & eggs from the servants' dining room)."--TIME,
April 23, 1945

(FDR Library photo, 1947)
Fala Never Forgot
"Readjustments in one's inner life have to go on forever, I think, but my main decisions
probably were made by the end of the first year. It was Fala, my husband's little dog,
who never really readjusted. Once, in 1945, when General Eisenhower came to lay a wreath
on Franklin's grave, the gates of the regular driveway were opened and his automobile
approached the house accompanied by the wailing of the sirens of a police escort. When Fala
heard the sirens, his legs straightened out, his ears pricked up and I knew that he expected
to see his master coming down the drive as he had come so many times.
Later, when we were living in the cottage, Fala always lay near the dining-room door
where he could watch both entrances just as he did when his master was there. Franklin
would often decide suddenly to go somewhere and Fala had to watch both entrances in
order to be ready to spring up and join the party on short notice. Fala accepted me
after my husband's death, but I was just someone to put up with until the master
should return. Many dogs eventually forget. I felt that Fala never really forgot.
Whenever he heard the sirens he became alert and felt again that he was an important
being, as he had felt when he was traveling with Franklin. Fala is buried now in
the rose garden at Hyde Park and I hope he is no longer troubled with the need for any
--From "On My Own" by Eleanor Roosevelt, 1958
Eternal Hope
"In the midst of her labors, Eleanor took unexpected comfort in Fala's return to the
Roosevelt household. Shortly after the funeral, Jimmy Roosevelt had written Margaret
Suckley and asked her to send Fala back. 'In talking to my sister and brother, we all
feel very disappointed that Fala is not staying with Mother,' Jimmy wrote. Fala was
part of the family," and it would make Mother 'very happy to have him back.' Suckley
agreed, and Fala came to live at Val-Kill. Soon he and Eleanor became inseparable.
Fala accompanied her on her walks through the woods, sat beside her chair in the
living room, and greeted her at the door when she came home. 'No one was as vociferously
pleased to see me as Fala,' she noted proudly after a trip to New York. Still, Fala
missed the president. When General Eisenhower came to Hyde Park to lay a wreath on
Roosevelt's grave, Fala heard the sirens of the motorcade and thought his master was
returning. 'His legs straightened out' and 'his ears pricked up,' Eleanor noted; he
was hoping to see his master coming down the drive."
--From "No Ordinary Time" by Doris Kearns Goodwin
After FDR died in 1945, Fala went to live with Eleanor in Val-Kill. When Fala passed
away in 1952, he was buried near FDR in Hyde Park, N.Y.

Fala by FDR at the FDR Memorial, Washington, D.C.
(Bushy Barney photo, 2001)

(Bushy Barney photo, 2001)
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